How it works?


Apply for a job


Receive job offer


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Choose the Job you prefer
Study the details.
Hit Apply and submit your profile online.

Pass interview with us
Pass interview with employer
Get confirmed
Receive job offer Sign work contract

Get the work visa
Fly out to the new destination
Enjoy new life

Choose your current location

We offer different overseas destinations for applicants in different locations. Please choose your current country and see what new destinations are open for you.

I' am in Ghana

I' am in Qatar

I' am in UAE

I' am in Bahrain

I' am in Saudi Arabia

I' am in OMAN

I' am in Ghana

I' am in Qatar

I' am in UAE

I' am in Bahrain

I' am in Saudi Arabia

I' am in OMAN

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What our applicants say:


Your choice of destination country depends on your current location. For example applicants who work now in UAE can apply to certain countries, while applicants in Ghana can apply to other countries. The reason behind this is availability of Embassy or Consulate of your destination country in your current location. Pay attention to job description pages. They show applicants in which locations can apply.

After you select the job and send it your application we will contact you for a Skype or personal interview first. If you qualify we will promote your CV to prospective employers.

No. The beauty of our service is that we will be processing your application in whatever location you are at right now. You will be travelling directly to your new place of work.


Touch the icon in the top right corner, then input your info.
Don’t forget to update your CV data in full after you get yourself an account.
Note: If you are not seeing emails from us – please check the SPAM or Promotions folder in your mailbox.

No. Site is free. However, you may have expenses related to employment process later on after you apply for any position.

STEP 1: Register as applicant at the top right corner of the screen.
STEP 2: Go to top right corner button, choose “My CV” and fill in your info. Email us if you need help.

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